Solar Installers Canberra: Know What to Ask When Considering Solar Power


Solar Installers Canberra

Before you start thinking about hiring solar panel installers, there are a few things you should know for yourself. Yes, it is very easy to search the internet or turn the yellow pages to find an installer. But do you know what questions to ask from a solar panel installer? Same things; Do they have experience with grid-connected and self-sustaining systems? Have they ever worked in both residential and commercial real estate? This will tell you whether they are true experts on the different types of systems on the market.

Remember, as a customer, you must keep your interests in mind. So, when your contractor comes to your home for an initial on-site inspection, ask what recommendations they can make for your home. Figure out where the best place on your roof will mount the panel, then ask the solar installers Canberra about it. With them, you will find out if they really know how important it is where to install solar panels.

Most solar panel companies offer provide contractors on-going training to help them stay fully up-to-date with the latest developments in this ever-changing industry. Don't hesitate to ask if they actually had this kind of training and which brand they are most familiar with.

A great way to check the reputation of a solar installer is to ask for the phone number or address of a former customer. By contacting past customers and asking them about their experience with the contractors of your choice, you can be sure that your customer satisfaction claims are true or not. Don't be shaken or moved just by looking at the so-called previous installation photos.

Another very important aspect of installing solar panels is the electrical aspect of things. Most people assume that all electricians are largely the same. What can not be said about the installation of solar panels. That's why it is important to know that the person who will take care of the panel has been fully trained in the functioning of the solar panel and the correct installation procedure.

Not all solar panel systems come with a full warranty. In most cases the panels are usually covered, but what about the rest of the system? Should the brand of your choice doesn't include all parts and ask the contractor if they will give guarantees themselves? Whether covered by the manufacturer or contractor, you should get the best possible warranty.

Ask if you can also view the solar installer's insurance documents. It may sound a little cheeky, but how do you know if damage occurred to your home during the installation? The contractor must have sufficient insurance to cover such damage. This is very important as they are designed to work on the roof and the last thing you want is leaks when inclement weather arrives.

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